Want to learn how to keep honeybees? We often run an Introduction to Beekeeping Course, which starts early in the year.
The beginners’ course is informative and fun, taught by experts in an informal and friendly environment. You’ll learn about the honeybee, beekeeping skills, bee health, swarms and honey, and much more.
The course includes six weeknight classroom sessions at the Litten Nature Reserve and three practical sessions at the apiary.
The classroom sessions in 2016 were held 7:30-9pm on Tuesday 8th, 15th and 22nd of March, and 12th, 19th and 26th of April. The practical sessions were held 12-1pm on Saturday 9th and 16th of April, and 21st of May. The 2016 course is now closed.
The course costs £135, which includes membership of the Association.
If you’re interested, please contact us to register and find out when 2017 course dates become available.
Read more about our introductory course, and other beekeeping assessments and examinations here.